The word crochet comes from the French croche or croc meaning to hook. Crocheting is the process of creating fabric from a length of cord, yarn, or thread with a specific type of a hook known as the crochet hook.
You can tell what batch the yarn comes from by looking at the batch number on the ball band. The term afghan was derived from the textiles that are produced in Afghanistan since they are comparable to the shawls and wraps used in the region. If you are left handed it may take a little practice, however you will make it easy with practice.
I ended up at Wal-mart late at night browsing through the craft aisles and inevitably drawn to all the cool yarns. Crochet patterns are really easy. Acrylics are popular and easy to work with and wash.
By searching online you will find everything you need to know about crochet. Now get Crocheting.
Free Bikini Top Crochet Patterns for beginners Raggedy Anne Crochet Kit the nuts and bolts
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